
Glad you made it past the first page!

Welcome to my domain, my lair of influence, and really, just the place where I come to the end of myself. 

We all need to be connected and have our lives and stories shared. On our worst day, we are able to shine a light for someone else and not even realise the impact that it has. I truly believe that. At every moment you have the gift of God in you, and are fulfilling one of the most beautiful features of your human design by being alive and connected, listening to God’s voice and stepping out with Him. 

I’m glad you’re here.

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 4:7

About me

My name is Rachel, I’m somewhere in the decade of my thirties, a creative (artistic, musical, twirly etc), I have a strategic mind but would absolutely say I’m equal parts Pinky as well as The Brain - if you don’t get the reference it’s already too late for you. A recovering perfectionist, and apparently an extrovert, although everyone gets a different take on that, as life is held in a rather delicate balance between caffeine, sugar, and sleep.

I’m Canadian, and I’ve lived in London, England for eight years; almost half of which I’ve been technically homeless. True fact! I blame God for that bit, and that’s part of the weird in this wonderful tale. 

I’ve loved Jesus my whole life, but in the last four years, through unforeseen and unusual means, God has been untying me from the personal hindrances I never imagined I could be free from. And this isn’t the crazy taboo stuff either. I’m talking about ‘Christian sin’; fear of man, fear of lack, delayed obedience, coveting a good reputation, wanting to be admired, holding His glory for myself. The sneaky stuff that we keep telling ourselves doesn’t pollute our lives, but it really does. Knowing what I do now, I can’t believe the layers of captivity and oppression I have survived under. I say survived because it’s not truly living. How much ‘oxygen’ have I lived without simply because I would not open my hands to God and let Him sweep through every area of my life. Well, rattling a persons sense of normal will definitely help them come to a place of deciding if they will open their fists.

So if you join me further on this journey, you will be privy to the journey, the thoughts, the convictions that I get smacked with from time to time. And hopefully I will do them justice in serving them up so that they smack you too. 

Welcome to the unravelling.